
Process Heater & Temperature Maintenance in Industrial and Hazardous area applications

A mixture of hydrocarbons (crude oil or coal) is created and refined. Naphtha; mixture of flammable liquid hydrocarbons mixed with natural gas. This reaction produces monomers, which combine with molecules to form polymers. Chemical agents are used to turn the individual polymers into polymer chains. This forms a rubber substance. vulcanization works by converting polymers into more durable material by adding accelerators such as sulphur. The oil storage tank of the processing plant contains a hydrocarbon mixer in which the oil is preheated from 30°C to 90°C to reduce the viscosity of the oil.

In order to preheat the oil, an immersion electric heater is placed diagonally at the bottom of the oil tank. Heating can be controlled through the control panel. Oil is pumped from the oil tank to the process line using an in-line heater. The process line must also maintain the desired temperature of the process fluid, where the electric heat tracing cable is used. High temperatures that cause excessive thermal cracking. Electric heaters are used to heat the mixer in the temperature range of 370-380°C.